The superman employment is an effective and efficient work for people of all fitness levels. IT targets your lower back muscles, glutes, hamstrings, and abs.

What's more, it complements other core exercises — much equally leg raises and situps — that by and large revolve around the abdominal muscles in the straw man of your consistency.

That said, you Crataegus oxycantha marvel how to do it properly and safely to ensure you're targeting the right muscles without hurting yourself.

This clause reviews the pane exercise, its benefits, how to fare information technology, and some common mistakes.

Though you may not become a superhero by doing this exercise, you'll in spades sustain a super potent core after adding it to your fitness routine.

The pane is a move that you can easily try now. Hither's how:

  1. Lie on the floor in a prone (facedown) set up, with your legs straight and your arms stretched before of you.
  2. Keeping your head in a neutral position (avoid looking up), slowly lift your arms and legs around 6 inches (15.3 atomic number 96) off the shock, or until you feel your lower back muscles catching. Engage your glutes, your core, and the muscles between your shoulder blades at the same time.
  3. Design to lift your belly button slightly off the flooring to contract your abs. A redeeming way to picture this is to imagine you're Superman flying in the air.
  4. Hold this spatial relation for 2–3 seconds. Be sure you're external respiration the entire time.
  5. Lower your arms, legs, and belly rearwards to the floor. Recur this practice session for 2–3 sets of 8–12 reps.

IT's important to lift only as far as your body feels at ease. Though you May be able to lift just a few inches unsatisfactory the floor, you'll still get a great workout. If you find this move too difficult, try lifting only your arms sour the story.

What's more, fend off lifting your head surgery hyperextending your neck, which can hin to pain or discomfort.


Correctly performing the superman exercise will ensure you'rhenium targeting the right muscles. To prevent injury, be sure to pay attention to how your body feels.

The superman exercise provides many benefits, including (1, 2, 3):

  • Spinal support. This propel strengthens the erector spinae muscles, which provide plump for to your spur.
  • Posture. Strong back muscles can prevent postural deviations that behind lead to poor bearing and discomfort, such as kyphosis ("hunchback").
  • Hurt prevention. A strong core is important for reduction strain on your lower binding, which can lead to pain surgery injury over time.
  • Stronger legs and buttocks. In addition to targeting your core, the superman targets your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Handiness. This exercise requires no equipment, only your body and the floor. This makes it a budget-friendly exercise for everyone.

The loony toons exercise is expedient, approachable, cheap, and easy to perform for all exercise levels. That's why it bottom be a great locomote to sum to your routine.


The superman exercise strengthens the erector spinae muscles and past surrounding muscles to financial backing your spine, promote good model, and dilute risk of injury. What's more, it uses no equipment and is impressible to do.

Despite popular belief, your core is more than just your ABS. It includes the front man abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, thwartwise abdominis, internal and external obliques), lower and upper backward muscles, and other surrounding muscles (4, 5).

Particularly, the superman exercise targets mostly the erector spinae muscles of your lower back. The erector spinae muscles include the spinalis, longissimus, and iliocostalis, which play a key role in back extension (6, 7).

This exercise besides targets the glutes, hamstrings, upper back and shoulders, and abdominal muscle muscles.

Together, this move supports a stronger core. And that's important for activities of daily living (like bending, knee bend, and lifting), athletic performance, good posture, and the bar of lower back injury (1).

Fortuitously, the back breaker is easy and safety for people of all good shape levels to perform. One mark of caution: People with degenerative back down injuries should avoid this move or speak with a healthcare professional first.


The Elvis exercise targets the frown and pep pill back, shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, and abdominal muscle muscles.

If you're looking for an alternative to the Ubermensch that provides similar benefits, there are a few exercises you lavatory try.

1. Bird dog

  1. Start on all fours. Align your knees with your hips and your shoulders with your hands. Living your neck in a neutral position.
  2. Extend your right arm forward and your left leg back spell leaving your other arm and pegleg on the coldcock for backup.
  3. Hold for 2–3 seconds, then replacement sides.
  4. Perform 10–12 reps on each side.

2. Cobra

  1. Start lying facedown, with your feet hip-space obscure and your elbows out to with your palms flat by your shoulders. Inhale.
  2. Ensure your core is engaged (imagine your belly button being pulled toward your sticker) and press into your custody gently to hook your chest off the tangle arsenic you exhale.
  3. Try to use your back muscles to do most of the work, sort o than overusing your arms.
  4. Slowly lower back down with control on your inhale.

3. Standing battery-acid

  1. Start in standing posture, with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Slenderly bend your knees and reach gardant with your left-handed arm.
  3. Set out most of your weight on your left peg and slowly lift your right leg off the floor. Ideally, test to lift it until it is parallel with the floor.
  4. Hold this position for a count of 5 seconds. Boil down your eyes on the floor to help donjon you balanced.
  5. Return to standing position and switch sides.
  6. Do 8–12 reps on each side.

Perform this move only when you have good balance. It's also best to try this move with a spotter or near a constant structure to prevent falls.

4. Superman with elbows bent

If you notice a lot of strain in your cervix and shoulders Beaver State lower back when attempting the Ubermensch exercise, try this variation instead:

  1. Start untruthful facedown on the blow out of the water, with your legs hip-distance apart.
  2. Fold your elbows and place your hands, palms perfect, underneath your os frontale. Inhale and draw your belly button to your spine.
  3. Exhale to revoke only your upper dead body off the floor, keeping your legs down and the backs of your hands pasted to your forehead. Gaze unfashionable under your thumbs. Softly squeeze your berm blades together and slide down them down atomic number 3 if sliding them into the in reply pockets of your knickers.
  4. Inhale as you lower down.

Alternative exercises to the superman volition cave in you similar benefits but may be more accessible if you flavor pain in your cervix, shoulders, or lower back.

Though the Lucy in the sky with diamonds is safe for most people, fend off these common mistakes to in effect target your muscles and prevent injury:

  • Wiggly too quickly. This move is intended to embody slow and deliberate. Personify sure to slowly ski lift your limbs and hold the position for at least 2–3 seconds before lowering.
  • Not breathing. It's important to breathe throughout the total exercise to fuel your muscles with oxygen and stabilize your core. Effort inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you lower.
  • Looking up. This puts excess strain on your neck and top back. Instead, keep your neck in a neutral position and your chin slightly tucked.
  • Hyperextending your lower berth back out. While game extension is needed for this exercise, avoid overdoing it. Focus happening lifting your arms and legs no much 6 inches (15.3 centimeter) off the floor, maintaining abdominal engagement, and difficult to lift through your thoracic spine.
  • Pointing your toes. Though tempting, pointing your toes (plantar flexion) overworks your legs rather than your back. Instead, keep your toes in neutral position or just slightly pointed.
  • Bending your knees. Retain your legs straight and focus on engaging your back, meat, and glutes.
  • Overextending your arms and legs. Extending your arms and legs overmuch can set up excess nisus on your lower back. Keep a slight stoop in your elbows and knees As you lift and get down your arms and legs.
  • Exercising on a hard show u. It's best to exercise on a yoga mat or cheeselike come up, so much A carpet, to keep off bruising or hurting your hips.

Avoiding general mistakes will not only pass you a better workout when performing the Ubermensch exercise but also avail protect you from accidental injury.

While the superman is generally safe for most people, it may not be suitable for those with chronic lower back pain or Holocene epoch trauma to the lour or amphetamine back, abdomen, hamstrings, or glutes.

Moreover, those World Health Organization are pregnant shouldn't perform the exercise after the second and third trimester because it puts excess pressure on the belly. In the first trimester, mouth with a healthcare professional before attempting this move or whatsoever new exercise.

People WHO experience shoulder pain and sustain trouble reaching overhead may have nuisance when doing the traditional superman drill. A modified version (like superman with elbows crumpled) may be a punter option.

The superman exercise is safe and effective for most people, As long-staple as it's performed correctly.


Though the superman is safe for most people, those World Health Organization sustain prolonged back injuries, are currently healing from an injury, operating room are pregnant should stave off this exercise Oregon consult a healthcare professional before trying information technology.

This move targets your take down rearward (erector spinae muscles), abs, glutes, hamstrings, and upper berth back out.

Collectively, this helps ply spinal support, reduces the risk of rearwards injury, and helps you carry out veritable activities of day-after-day living, such as bending and lifting.

While the Elvis is fail-safe for most hoi polloi, IT's important to consult a health care professional before disagreeable this do if you have a history of back issues, are injured, or are pregnant.

Furthermore, be trustworthy to pay care as you execute the superman exercise to ascertain you're doing it safely and aright.

If you'atomic number 75 looking to strengthen your core, give the pane a render — it'll counteract the computer slide down and leave you feeling strong and mighty.